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Book and license inquiries Thriller & Crime

Please address book and license inquiries about my thrillers and crime novels to Petra Hermanns from the agency "Die Buchagenten":

Book and license inquiries for young people's books

Please address book and license inquiries about my books for young people directly to me:

Readings from my youth books

You can get information about readings or appointments for "Die Fabelmacht-Chroniken" and my other books for young people from Elena Riedel from Arena Verlag:

Granting of film rights

If you are interested in film rights, please write to Petra Hermanns from the agency "Die Buchagenten":

Praise & criticism or questions

Didn't find what you were looking for? Or do you want to tell me something personally? - I am looking forward to your mail:

If you want to send me mail, please send it to:

Kathrin Lange

c / o The book agents

Frankfurt office

Löwengasse 27 B

D-60385 Frankfurt am Main

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